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Jason Aurel Purcell
29 juillet 1987 - 24 avril 2021
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<div itemprop="description">It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Jason Aurel Purcell, on April 24th, 2021, at the age of 33. Beloved son of Doris Fahnrich, Douglas William Purcell jr., and guardian Ron Hewitt. Loving father of Skyler and Jaden-James, brother of Justin Purcell, Sarah Hambleton, Dawn Barnes, and David Purcell. He will also be greatly missed by many relatives and friends. <br> <br>If you did not know Jason, people would tell you he had a heart of gold, and he did. He was a wild soul in the best and worst ways, but he did what he wanted, because he lived. Jason was always taking care of others before himself, dropping what he was doing just to be there and listen. <br> <br>The last few years Jason had found a love for motorcycles and loved giving his mother heart attacks even more. Laughing his famous hysterical laugh while doing so. He never lived a dull life, nothing surprised us when he would tell his stories about his day. And when Jason had an idea, he never backed down from it. A special guy who loved his cars, country life, and most of all his children. The light of his life. Jason was truly “one of a kind”. <br> <br>We will miss Jason every single day, he lived a full life even though he was taken from us at the young age of 33. We know he is now at rest and given the peace he was always searching for. <br> <br>The Lord said, “My child, I would never leave you during your times of trial, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you”. The Lord was with Jason, bringing him love, comfort, and happiness when he carried him home. <br> <br>Due to circumstances in regards to the pandemic, a private event will be held at Rideau Funeral Home (4275, boul. Des Sources). <br> <br>In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to SickKids foundation in his memory using the following link : <br>https://secure.sickkidsfoundation.com/donate?_ga=2.100566174.1064623181.1619703634-1160386382.1619703634 [copy and paste] <br> <br>The family would like to thank Rideau Funeral home for guiding us through this difficult time. <br> <br>Special thanks to Barrie Memorial Hospital and staff for doing everything in their power. <br></div>