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Richard Arnold Hinkson
September 15, 1929 - February 9, 2023
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<div itemprop="description">A man, a son, a brother, a father, an uncle, a friend, and a colleague. <br> <br>Born the third of eight children. Sibling to the late MacDonald, the late Leonard, the late Jean, the late Joan, the late Victor, the late Malcolm, and Eudolee Hinkson Cox. <br> <br>1929 Born in Sargeants Village, Christ Church, Barbados, to Clarence Adolphus Hinkson and Dorothy Frederica Jordan <br> <br>1956 Received his British Seamen’s Society Nationality and Identity card in order to work on schooner ships in the Caribbean territory <br> <br>1960 Emigrated from Barbados to Canada and was married <br> <br>1961 Began working as a psychiatric nursing assistant at the Verdun Protestant Hospital <br> <br>1965 Became Joy’s dad <br> <br>1968 Became Nancy’s dad <br> <br>1971 Worked as a remotivation therapist at the Douglas Hospital (formerly the Verdun Protestant Hospital) <br> <br>1994 Retired from the Douglas Hospital after many dedicated years of service in the mental health field <br> <br>2023 Leaves his daughters Joy and Nancy behind to mourn and to find understanding in his passing</div>